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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Strawberries & Wine

adapted from

2 quarts of whole strawberries
1 cup red wine
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
2.5 cups of sugar
1 packet powdered pectin

See I told you that there would be drinks on here...kind of.  Well to start out with I will fully admit that today was a rough day at work.  Nothing to do with my performance, just stressful - the type of day where makes it so that I am in my mid-twenties and getting grey.  So I went home for a while from work because I had had enough and decided I had to do something to calm my nerves so I could go back into work and be productive - that is when I decided to make this jam.

To start out with, most of the jams I have made (and although I have been doing this for a short time, there are around 15-20 now) I get my produce from the farmers market or backyard produce (which is a produce delivery service where everything is local or organic and it gets delivered to my door every week.  I highly recommend them their website is  However the grocery store was having a sale where strawberries were on sale 4 quarts for 6 dollars - I couldn't pass it up.

This jam was perfect for today because clearly I needed a glass of wine after my day anyway and so I recommend starting this recipe with a glass of wine for yourself.  I decided on this Nero d'Avola.  It was delicious, sweet and fruit with just a hint of spice and very smooth.  Perfect after the long day.

Next you should wash your berries and take the top green part off (I am sure there is a technical name for it, however its been a long day and I am going with green top thingy).  Now place them in a pot, take your potato masher and pretend that everything you are frustrated with for the day is in the berries - mashing them to a nice pulp.  Relieves aggression in a productive fashion.

Next add 1 cup of wine, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and bring to a boil.  Then this recipe calls for you to whisk in one packet of powdered pectin.  Bring to a boil for a few minutes and then add your 2.5 cups of sugar.  Bring back to a boil and boil it until it thickens.  This liquid substance will rise quite a bit so make sure you have a big pan and pay attention, stirring frequently.

After it is thicker, fill into sterilized jars, wipe rims, apply hot lids and rings.  Process in the water boiler canner for 10 minutes.   At this point it is your option to finish the bottle of wine or not.  I, however, had to go back into work and therefore did not finish it.  I am really excited to see how the sweetness of the berry goes with the spiciness of this wine.  Clearly, sugar and spice and everything nice...that is what good jam is made of.  (Feel free to groan.) :)

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